Infographic Project
When considering Environmental Science as your major it's important to understand the concepts needed to write successfully in the field. With the help of classmates, we created an infographic to highlight the key points.
Created by: Celeste Vitello, Aviva Kaufman, Kate Ossman
The goal of the Infographic Project is to education about the expectations of writing in the Environmental Studies field. Its intended to reach other college students in the field of environmental studies. The most successful part of this project is the simplicity of design and the information included in the infographic. We wanted to talk about the major points of writing for ENVR studies and give the audience a better understanding of what to expect. The final draft was similar to our initial draft and it all came together when everyone added in the information gained through their research. Overall I feel like it hits the important topics about writing in ENVR. If I had more time I would probably bullet point everything or make it a little more uniform but I’m satisfied with the end result. The skills we needed for this project were researching in writing for ENVR, interviewing others in the same field, citing sources properly, and creativity and imagination. We had a fun time creating this infographic. These are all skills needed to move confidently into the field of ENVR.